Thursday, November 29, 2007


I have a very short entry tonight...but one that I just had to post.

The following short (and dark and pretty much unrecognizable) video is my son, reading his first sentences. He is 7 1/2 years old, and has autism which has severely affected his ability to understand and communicate. But in this moment, he is glorious and amazing.

The sentences you'll hear him read are from "books" he can now read on his own:
A Fish and a Ball: I see a fish and a yellow ball.
A Horse and a Boy: I see a yellow horse and a boy.
A Car and a Boy: I see a yellow...(the camera battery died.)

Now, "fish" is "bish," and "yellow" is "yo-yo" - but he's doing it. He's reading. A little boy trying so hard, and doing such a miraculous thing...tonight, our hearts are full indeed.

"Although the constant shadow of certain death looms over every day, the pleasures and joys of life can be so fine and deeply affecting that the heart is nearly stilled by astonishment." ~D. Koontz

I've always loved that quote, and now...I understand.


Brad said...

WOW!! That is fantastic, M. That brought tears to MY eyes. I know you are ecstatic. That is a huge step. Keep up the good work, S.

amandaladi said...

deeply effecting the heart within indeed...

what a joy to have the opportunity to witness this myself thru your eyes, heart and soul. i can feel your exuberance thru your writings.


Empress of the Hidden Face said...

Thanks, guys. Listening to that audio again this morning still makes me cry. Reading is something that I love and often take the ability for granted. Listening to Stephen work so hard to form the words is humbling indeed.

geds said...

A testament to his mother's diligence and perseverance...That is terrific.