Wednesday, May 23, 2012

On the menu

So…I’m so excited about the foods and combinations of foods I’m discovering that I could probably blog daily.

I won’t subject you to that.

I did want to post an update on Operation Creamer Concoction.  Last night I reheated the cream/milk/syrup/vanilla mixture and added in about 1/4 c. raw sugar.  I thought a little sweetness might improve matters.  And, it did…but I didn’t get that “ah-ha” moment I want.  The search continues…

I had some really good Kashi blueberry waffles this morning, with some maple syrup.  Having occasionally eaten waffles or pancakes with good old Log Cabin “syrup,” I am absolutely delighted with the purer taste and the thinner texture of real maple syrup.  You don’t need nearly as much, the flavor is intense, and it soaks in nicely, flavoring every bite.  The hilarious thing about Log Cabin is this - take a look at the label and see what jumps out at you:

See how proudly it proclaims “NOW! NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP”?

Well, good on ya’, Log Cabin!  Way to provide a healthy syrupy substance!
INGREDIENTS: Corn Syrup, Sugar Liquid (Sugar Natural, Water), Water, Salt, Flavor(s) Natural & Artificial (Lactic Acid), Cellulose Gum, Preservative (Sorbic Acid, Sodium Benzoate), Sodium Hexametaphosphate, Caramel Color, Phosphoric Acid
That’s right.  None of that nasty high fructose corn syrup.  Just…low fructose corn syrup?  And, I’m sorry, but… “hexametaphosphate”?  How is that not a drain cleaner or windshield de-icer?  Regardless of what it is, it sounds frightening.

I looked it up.  Blech.  Google it if you want to know…

I got hungry mid-morning and had some sesame crackers, a little cube of Alouette soft cheese, and half an apple.  A good combination, I think.  It tasted really good, regardless.  And I keep saying to myself…why did I think trying to eat better food would be so hard, that I would feel so DEPRIVED?

Tonight we’re having a vegetable cheese chowder and some garlic biscuits…both from scratch.  I’ll post a review of both recipes soon.

Happy eating!

1 comment:

cakeburnette said...

Oh, please do post daily!