I think.
Looking back, I see that my blog output has been less than prodigious in the last few years. In 2010, I came up with a grand total of five entries - each Pulitzer-worthy, no doubt - but those are slim pickins. There are a few blogs I've come to enjoy reading, and one thing that sets them apart from my happy little wonderland here is that those folks do some frequent blogging. Like, daily, even.
And what about me?
Once every few months because my co-dependent self feels guilty for not writing something, my brain goes to work, trying to find new ways to re-hash the same old stuff that seems to keep happening... Maybe I'll try logging on here more often, and maybe I won't even TYPE the word autism. Because my life is more than autism, you know.
Well, it is! My very full life also includes worrying that maybe I'm not being a very good parent to the non-autistic kid I have (who is now a teenager, saints preserve us) or, maybe, my secret hypochondriac is worrying that some weird bump on my leg is cancer, or there's always worrying that the world really HAS gone to hell in a handbasket and there's not a damned thing I seem to be able to do about it. Honestly - have you NOTICED the greed and avarice and seeming lack of compassion or human kindness that has invaded our culture? It depresses me, and I wonder what's the use.
I'll leave you with something that has me scratching my head, and it ties in neatly with my bewilderment over the strange malaise/laziness so rampant in our culture...I saw a commercial for this product yesterday. I think it sums up society perfectly. I give you: Easy Feet.
Have you SEEN this thing? You suction it to your tub (or even the WALL, as the commercial gleefully suggests) and you use it to scrub your feet. Because who can be bothered to LEAN DOWN and clean their feet? Even older, less flexible people can sit down in the tub and clean their feet. Can't they? And, if you suction it to your wall...then do you do that Karate Kid crane pose as you scrub your feet, balancing in the tub? Sigh. People are nuts.
I do hope to see more from you :) I miss you something terrible.
And for the foot scrubber...as a 9-month preggo person with a freakin' basketball attached to my belly, that thing looks awesome! If you'd seen me trying to clip my toenails or shave my legs in the last few weeks, you'd probably buy me one :)
Okay, that is the ONE legitimate reason to use an Easy Feet. You are granted absolution to get one if you can.
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